DIY Whipped Body Butter

So Easy a 5 Year Old Can Do It!   During our battle with eczema, I was trying (and making) anything to help the dry, itchy, irritated skin that plagued my daughter’s body. This simple Whipped Body Butter became an integral weapon in that war! We also use this...
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365D2ME: Where’d ya go? And Whatcha Doin’ Now?

Well, I feel a bit silly. I started the year so strong. I dedicated myself to “365 Days to a Better Me” and promised to drag you along with me. Then, a month in, I disappear. For this I am incredibly sorry! No, aliens did not abduct me. Unfortunately,...
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*BONUS* 365d2ME: Week 3 – Home Inventory

As I was assessing, boxing and banishing, and corralling and controlling my house this week I realized that I could check off another box on my “To-Do & To-Learn” list at the same time. Home inventory. Home inventorying could be a pack rat’s worst nightmare. So why do it...
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Fearlessly Surviving Flu Season

We were selling Girl Scout cookies door-to-door this weekend and I couldn’t help but notice that A LOT of people were sick. Peeking through a crack in the door, sniffing and sneezing through her presentation, or texting me from inside to let me know they were quarantining themselves….the majority...
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Who IS This Wacky, Oil-Obsessed, Herb-Hunting, Fresh Foods Fanatic?

Greetings! I’m Tracy! Welcome to Karma for Health! The website is up and social media accounts are connected; there are classes to learn more, products to buy, and articles slowly trickling in to read….but I bet you’re wondering, who is Tracy? Who is this wacky, oil-obsessed, herb-hunting, fresh foods...
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