Author: Tracy B.

tot TEETH Artisan Essential Oil Child Baby Mood Blends

[slideshowck id=252] ⇒ BUY on Etsy @ KfH Shop ⇐ KfH introduces the tot TEETH Essential Oil Roller Bottle: It’s a right of passage for every baby – that doesn’t mean they enjoy it – and you would do anything to provide them some comfort! Give them teething relief...
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SLEEPY tot Artisan Essential Oil Child Baby Mood Blends

[slideshowck id=242] ⇒ BUY on Etsy @ KfH Shop ⇐ KfH introduces the SLEEPY tot Essential Oil Roller Bottle: It’s bedtime again – the moment you’ve been waiting for all day – and you need your children to sleep like babies again! Welcome a blissful night’s sleep for the...
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HAPPY tot Artisan Essential Oil Child Baby Mood Blends

[slideshowck id=243] ⇒ BUY on Etsy @ KfH Shop ⇐ KfH introduces the HAPPY tot Essential Oil Roller Bottle: The afternoon blahs get us all – even the smallest of us – and kids can use a pick me up too! Put the pep back in their step with...
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ZIT-Less Artisan Essential Oil Aromatherapy Mood Blends

[slideshowck id=202] ⇒ BUY on Etsy @ KfH Shop ⇐ KfH introduces the ZIT-Less Essential Oil Roller Bottle: We’ve all been there – nasty little red bumps – and such an important day tomorrow! Zap the zits with the roll of the bottle and a long, deep breath! ——————————————————–...
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THROB-Less Artisan Essential Oil Aromatherapy Mood Blends

[slideshowck id=201] ⇒ BUY on Etsy @ KfH Shop ⇐ KfH introduces the THROB-Less Essential Oil Roller Bottle: Your head is pounding – your eyes don’t want to stay open – you have a pounding HEADACHE! Kick the throbbing head to the curb with the roll of the bottle...
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STRESS-Less Artisan Essential Oil Aromatherapy Mood Blends

[slideshowck id=199] ⇒ BUY on Etsy @ KfH Shop ⇐ KfH introduces the STRESS-Less Essential Oil Roller Bottle: Your brain is wheeling – you have a million things on your to-do list – and you need to shush your inner voice! Apply the brakes to your thoughts with the...
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ACHE-Less Artisan Essential Oil Aromatherapy Mood Blends

[slideshowck id=200] ⇒ BUY on Etsy @ KfH Shop ⇐ KfH introduces the ACHE-Less Essential Oil Roller Bottle: Your muscles are aching – your joints are creaking – and you need to walk from the couch to your bed! Put the pep back in your step with the roll...
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i SLEEP Artisan Essential Oil Aromatherapy Mood Blends

[slideshowck id=198] ⇒ BUY on Etsy @ KfH Shop ⇐ KfH introduces the i SLEEP Essential Oil Roller Bottle: Tomorrow is a big day – the moment you’ve been waiting for forever – and you need to sleep like a baby again! Welcome a blissful night’s sleep with the...
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i HAPPY Artisan Essential Oil Aromatherapy Mood Blends

[slideshowck id=197] ⇒ BUY on Etsy @ KfH Shop ⇐ KfH introduces the i HAPPY Essential Oil Roller Bottle: Your feeling bluer than blue – the cloud over your head is grayer than gray – and you need a pick-me-up! Turn that frown upside down with the roll of...
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i FOCUS Artisan Essential Oil Aromatherapy Mood Blends

[slideshowck id=196] ⇒ BUY on Etsy @ KfH Shop ⇐ KfH introduces the i FOCUS Essential Oil Roller Bottle: Trouble concentrating on work – have a big project due – and you need to perform miracles! Refocus your intentions with the roll of the bottle and a long, deep...
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